IN.TEC uses high resolution geophysical and Hydrographic systems to acquire data in the entire range of water depths from very shallow to very deep. The raw data is processed by our expert team in order to provide our Clients with:
Bathymetric charting of the seabed;
Identification and mapping of seabed features such as debris, shipwrecks and subsea structures;
Digital seabed imagery;
Profiles of seabed geological features;
Identification of the sub-bottom geophysical and lithological parameters;
Identification of buried facilities and hazards.
Harbour and Coastal Surveys;
Field and site surveys;
Archaeological survey;
Hydrographical survey;
Geophysical survey;
Geotechnical survey;
Data Processing and Charting
Boomers and sparkers
Chirp profilers
Side Scan Sonar
Combined SSS-SBP
Dual frequency echosounders
DGPS and RTK positioning receivers
Multi-beam Echosounder
Piston Corer
Vibro Corer